Run Performance Analysis
90 minute analysis - £150
Head to toe performance analysis
Running is more than your legs moving forward. It’s all about correct form and technique from head to toe. Video analysis to pin point where improvements need to be made, help focus the assessment so you become a better runner.
Fitness assessment and movement analysis will be conducted.
Warm up, cool down and training advice
Learn how to conduct an efficient warm up using the RAMP process, include drills and movement skills, and cool down to prepare for that next session, including mobility exercises.
Training advice to help you get the best out your sessions and work towards your running goals.
Strength and conditioning advice to activate and strengthen those weaker areas and reduce the risk of injury.
Detailed report
The 90 minute analysis is then finalised with a detailed word document report of all we have covered, including detailed photos, emailed to you for you to down load and keep for future reference.